Join Us for Worship on Sundays at 10:15 AM
We are a passionate church that wants to know Jesus and make him known in our community.
Church is all about family. We have exciting, Bible-centered lessons for kids of all ages!
When you visit expect to be welcomed into a warm and friendly environment.

We’re So Glad You’re Here!
God has established our church in this city to be a
place of becoming. Our prayer is that each and every
person that walks through our doors will experience
the love of Christ in a new and fresh way. It is our
desire to come alongside you and encourage you to
become all you can be for the glory of God. We hope
you will become part of all God is doing in and
through our church family.
What to Expect
Visiting any church for the first time can be an awkward experience.
Yet, it is our desire to put you at ease. We want your visit to be
refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for the whole family.
You can find visitor’s parking in the area between our church building
and the courthouse. As you exit your vehicle and walk toward the
canopy, one of the members from our Parking Team will welcome you
and direct you to the right door. If steps or stairs are difficult for you, a
member from the Parking Team can escort you in the elevator.
There are two basic ways to enter our church facility. From the Main Street
sidewalk, you can enter the Worship Center through the steps in front of the
building. From the parking lot, there is a door under the canopy that will bring
you into our Education Building. Once inside the building, the steps leading
downstairs will take you to the Sunday School Classes and Fellowship Hall, while
the steps leading to the second floor will lead you to the Nursery & Worship Center.
The Sunday morning worship service is at 10:45 am, and its filled with
inspiring music from the choir, ensembles, and soloists. The music is
followed by a practical message from the Bible by Pastor Rick Haggett.
What you learn on the weekend, you’ll be able to use during the week.
Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 am on Sunday morning. This is a great place
for you to meet people and hear a teaching lesson applicable to daily life.
Questions and Answers…
Does the church have a nursery?
We have a nursery across the hallway from the Worship Center. The nursery
is available during the Sunday School hour, as well as the Sunday morning and
evening services. It is for children three years old and under. Mothers will receive
a pager so that nursery attendants can easily contact you if there is a need.
Is there a children’s church?
Children’s Church is on the lower level across from the Fellowship Hall. After
Sunday School, children sit with their parents in the worship service then after
the offertory prayer one of our workers will lead them downstairs. Children four
years old through first grade experience a fun, friendly, and Bible-centered lesson
during this time.
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
We do receive an offering, but this is for those who are part of the FBC family.
Instead of wanting you to give something, we want you to get something. During
the worship service, we will ask our guests to fill out a Connection Card and place
it in the offering plate when it is passed. However, we ask that you list only what
information you feel comfortable sharing.
How should I dress?
Please wear what is comfortable. We are more concerned about you than what you
are wearing.